car-482683_640Is your car a friend of yours or just a functional machine? Well, to me, my car has always been a best friend to hang out with! I like cleaning it and watching flying along the road. Driving my car is one of the most relaxing activities, I’ve ever known and as you can guess – it is my hobby. I know that there are many people who are passionate about cars just as much as I am and share my interests and hobby. That’s the main reason I decided to start this blog and sort the crème of the crop of the world of cars.
My name is Lambert de Water, a student in finance from Belgium and the guy who stands behind this project and blog. My favourite hobby has shaped my ideas to start a personal blog about style and cars, with a slight accent on the classic, vintage cars. Well, unlike the majority of the blogs accent on the latest car releases, I will not neglect the beauty of the old vintage-style cars, that in my humble opinion are the most beautiful creations of the auto industry. Though, I will be also reviewing some of the latest cars releases, find the best budget cars for you and compare the latest deals on the auto market. However, I won’t discriminate the fans of the old beauties, too.
In my new blog I aim to share with you my own experience and will give you some tips on how to maintain your car. Or, if you’re interested in personalizing your car and make it unique, I will list some insider strategies to easily alter the overall look of your vehicle on your own. I’ve already made enough promises, so I will save you the time and jump straight to the main topic of the blog. I hope you’ll enjoy my posts and… Let’s talk about cars!

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